
“We’re doing what we’re having a good time doing. And if we don’t have a good time doing it, we’ll find something else to do.”

So bespoke Obituary drummer Donald Tardy in a 2023 interview with Invisible Oranges, echoing the sentiments of his brother and Obituary vocalist, John Tardy. The quote perfectly captures Obituary: At its core, being in Obituary is fun. John, Donald, alongside co-founding rhythm guitarist Trevor Peres and crucial late-career additions Terry Butler (bass) and Kenny Andrews (lead guitar), have forged a 40-year career doing what they love, which is playing death metal. It is as simple as that. The band doesn’t chase accolades or social media adulation. And Obituary truly doesn’t care about the latest trends. Instead, across 11 studio albums and countless live shows, Obituary has steadfastly stuck to its guns by playing some of the heaviest music known to man, accumulating a loyal fanbase across the world.

AEG Presents
with NailsTerrorSpiritWorldPest Control
Majestic Theatre
Wednesday | May 7 (Doors: 5:00 pm)
$29.50 Adv./ $35 Day of More Info
All Ages